성명 | John P. DiMoia | ||
직위 | 부교수 | ||
학과 | 국사학과 | 전공 | 한국근현대사, 과학사 |
사무실 | 14동 515호 | 홈페이지 | |
이메일 | jdimoia@snu.ac.kr | 연락처 | (02) 880-6194 |
I work on EASTM, especially the diverse collection of practices falling under the descriptive label “Korean medicine” (c. 1945-present), encompassing both traditional (TKM / 한의학)) and biomedicine (서양의학) as practice; and also have a growing interest in doing comparative work with Singapore, Taiwan, North Korea, and Japan for the period, 1945-present. At NUS, our STS group has recently completed a three year project (2010-2013), “Asian Biopoleis,” devoted to the emerging role of the life sciences / biotech in “Asia” (broadly conceived).
현대사, 과학사, 한-동남아시아사, Engineering, Infrastructure, Biopolitics, Population, Migration
약 력
2015~2016 National University of Singapore, 조교수
2016~2017 Max Plank Institute History of Science, Visiting Scholar
2018~현재 서울대학교 부교수
저 서
《Reconstructing Bodies: Biomedicine, Health, and Nation-Building in South Korea after 1945》, Stanford University Press, 2013; Columbia / WEAI series
《Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia》(共著), Hong Kong University Press, 2017.
《Engineering Asia: Technology, Colonial Development, and the Cold War Order》, Bloomsbury July 2018; WEAI series
논 문
<From Domestic Agents of Care to International Practitioners: South Korean Nurses, Medical Pedagogy, and the IU-Bloomington Nursing Program, 1958-1962> EASTS, 2017
<“Counting One’s Allies”: The Mobilization of Demography, Population, and Family Planning in East Asia, Late 1920s–Present>, East Asian Science, Technology, and Society (EASTS) (Duke University Press, November 2016)
<Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review> (UC Press), Review Essay: Rationalizing Korea (Hwang Kyung Moon) and It’s Madness (Theodore Joon Yoo) (September 2016)
<Placing Image and Practice in Tension: South Korean Nurses, Medical Pedagogy, and the Indiana University Nursing Program, 1958-1962 >, East Asian Science, Technology, and Society (EASTS) (Duke University Press, December 2017)